

How do we overcome the concept of ownership?

Marjetica Potrč

Marjetica Potrč was, next to her ongoing and outstanding artistic work, professor at HFBK Hamburg and started the first social design class called Design For The Living World. The curriculum was structured within onside projects in various locations ‘of the real world’. Potrč had the kindness do the labor of questioning intensely together with her students. Among other spaces in the city of Hamburg PARKS is highly informed and influenced through the thoughts and the learnings formed within the class.
In relation to Urban Curating, we see countless terms, concepts and Ideas of Potrč relevant for the discussion. The stewardship of land, the community land trust, relational objects, caretakers and guardianship or artist as mediators to name a few.

We are transitioning to a society of caretakers.
How do we overcome the concept of ownership?
What is the agency of PARKS?
What is the agency of the land, of roots, of people, of the new knowledge that sees nature as a living being?

Marjetica Potrč, The Basin Case Study: On Coexistence, 2023, drawing No.6 of 11 drawings. Ink on paper. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Nordenhake, Berlin/Stockholm/Mexico City.

Marjetica Potrč, The Basin Case Study: On Coexistence, 2023, drawing No.8 of 11 drawings. Ink on paper. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Nordenhake, Berlin/Stockholm/Mexico City.

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